Football Fever at PSSEMR School Davangere

Football Fever at PSSEMR School Davangere

Encouraging Physical Activity Through Football

On June 20, 2024, PSSEMR School Davangere held an exhilarating football event for students from grades VI to VIII at the football court. The event aimed to promote physical activity and encourage students to engage in aerobic exercise.

Developing Football Skills

Improving Physical Health

Football helps improve cardiovascular health, strength, agility, and coordination. The students were actively engaged, showcasing their physical fitness and enthusiasm.

Learning Through Drills and Gameplay

Students had the opportunity to learn and improve their football skills. They practiced dribbling, passing, shooting, and teamwork through structured drills and gameplay. This practical approach ensured that they gained hands-on experience.

Enhancing Strategic Thinking

Analyzing Game Situations

The event developed students’ strategic thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving skills. They analyzed game situations, planned tactics, and adapted strategies based on the opposition and conditions.

Planning and Adapting Strategies

Students worked together to plan and adapt their strategies. This process enhanced their understanding of teamwork and collaboration, essential skills both on and off the field.

Promoting Inclusivity and Diversity

Ensuring Accessible Activities

Football activities were inclusive and accessible to students of all abilities and skill levels. This approach provided opportunities for everyone to participate, fostering a sense of belonging within the school community.

Celebrating Diversity

The event celebrated diversity within the school community. Students from various backgrounds came together, united by their love for football.

Event Results

  • First Place: Vinobha House
  • Second Place: Gandhi House
  • Third Place: Tagore House
  • Fourth Place: Raman House


The football event at PSSEMR School Davangere was a tremendous success. It promoted physical activity, developed essential football skills, and enhanced strategic thinking among students. The event also celebrated inclusivity and diversity, ensuring a fun and engaging experience for all participants.

For more photos on Football tournament, check out this link Football to see how our students are playing.

For more information on football training for kids, visit FIFA Grassroots. To learn more about the benefits of physical activity for children, check out CDC Physical Activity Facts.

Check out our recent post on inter house activity

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